2023 All American Kayak Classic Recap / NSKA Runs Wild

This past weekend, 196 of the top club anglers from around the country descended on Truman Lake, nestled between Clinton and Warsaw, Missouri. This was not the first All American Kayak Classic on Truman, but it was the first held in the spring. We were not really sure what to expect going into it, had hoped fishing would be strong – the guess was we would see pre-spawn or various stages of spawn and anglers could find the stage they wanted to take advantage of.

Harry S. Truman Reservoir is a HUGE body of water, cover 55,600 acres and 958 miles of shoreline. By comparison, Beaver Lake is roughly half as large, with 31,700 acres and 435 miles of shoreline. So, fair to say there’s a lot of water available. As big as it is, oddly it seems to fish small as anglers congregated in many of the same areas – but overall gave you many options. One other notable thing about the lake if you haven’t been on it is that there are no private docks or other man-made cover present on the lake, outside of marinas. What it does have is pole timber…millions of trees, in some places so thick you can’t even get a kayak through very well.

In this tournament, anglers were competing individually, but also competing for a Club Championship by taking the top five scores from the teams to determine the overall best kayak fishing group. More on that later… There were a couple of other kayak events going on at Truman, but for this recap we’re focused on the All-American Kayak Classic.

Some of the NSKA Championship crew at Truman Lake: (left to right) James Haeberle, Ryan Paskiewicz, Kyle Long, Cole Sikes, Levi Schneider, Jordan Rozenblum, and Tyler Zengerle.

Individual Classic Tournament Results

Fishing for the 2023 Classic was very strong overall. The fish you caught were healthy and feisty, a lot of fun and had fight in ’em. A good number of fish were caught. The Fish Per Angler (FPA) was a robust 5.04 for the two day average, and was likely higher than that because the field thins out a bit on day two. For comparison, the 2020 AAKS Championship had a FPA of 2.20 (167 anglers, November, single day) and the FPA in 2021 was 3.12 (170 anglers, October, two day average). Safe to say, April is a WAAAY better time to fish on Truman than the fall based on this data point.

NSKA’s Cole Sikes (left) receives his championship trophy and took home $10,000 for first place. Get that 1099 ready!

NSKA’s Cole Sikes (AR) took the individual top slot with a 1st place total of 174.75″, followed by Chad Davison (MO) with 171.50″ and Jake Gellersen (IA) in 3rd with 171.25″ for the event. Ryan Wells (IA) took Big Bass for the event with a 21.00″ largemouth. Interestingly, really big fish were not a major component on Truman. In the two days, my count is only seven 20s caught out of 1,974 fish submitted. Shockingly low number, especially for the spawn timeframe. I mean that’s Dead-sea Beaver Lake situation.

Here were the top 10 anglers:

  1. Cole Sikes (AR) 174.75
  2. Chad Davison (MO) 171.50
  3. Jake Gellersen (IA) 171.25
  4. Matt Kern (CO) 168.50
  5. Joe Bailey (MO) 168.00
  6. Sammy B (NE) 165.50
  7. Joe Palmer (IL) 165.25
  8. John Denton (MO) 164.75
  9. Josh Swigart (NE) 164.50
  10. Kyle Christensen (NE) 164.00

NSKA – Club Champions

One of the really cool aspects of the All-American Kayak Classic is the competition between clubs for the Club Championship. Top five totals from each qualifying club are combined for a club total. Natural State Kayak Anglers took the trophy as Club Champions for 2023! Last time, NSKA fell just short to the Moyak group who won it in a close one. Moyak fishes Truman frequently and it is a familiar lake for many of them. Not going to lie, the NSKA team was focused on winning this 2023 title on Missouri water. Congrats to the guys who stepped up big-time! We’re going to hear from them below in the Angler Roundtable…

Angler Roundtable

Once again, we’re going to hear the secrets to unlocking Truman Lake from the anglers themselves. This is the Truman Lake Angler Roundtable – NSKA Top Five edition. Cole Sikes, Tyler Zengerle, Ryan Paskiewicz, Kyle Long and James Haeberle were the anglers who contributed the top five totals to the Club Championship. They spill the beans below on how it went down:

When going to a giant lake you haven’t fished much, how do you break it down to find the fishing location?

Cole – Typically, I like to try to pick one area of the lake and focus my entire time on trying to learn that area. If you’re able to pre-fish, it allows you to maximum your time on the water and less traveling from ramp to ramp. I feel like it’s more risky to bounce around to different parts of the lake when you’re not familiar with it.

Tyler – When pre-fishing, I chose two different areas where I thought fish would be this time of year. One spot, I chose the river since it was shallower and more places for fish to spawn, if they were. My second spot, I chose an area on the main lake close to coves and pockets in case the fish were still in their pre-spawn pattern.

Ryan – I do some map study based on what phase I think the fish will be in and then break down sections of the lake with the most potential based on that. I try to think of breaking down a section into its own lake. Truman is huge and you can get caught up in thinking so many areas would be good. So I just pick an area and try to figure out what the fish and doing and fish as many of those high percentage areas as possible.

Kyle – I try to find things that fit my strengths and that I like to fish. With that lake being so big, just from the map, I was able to eliminate 95% of it just because it didn’t fit my eye. Also finding multiple high percentage areas in that area that aren’t miles apart but are different as far as depth, cover, structure etc. is a big factor.

James – Map study is first when trying to break down a new lake. I want to find areas with a lot of diversity. Feeder creeks, bluff walls, main lake and secondary points, and spawing ares. I like to check each area to find what the active fish are relating to. Then I can find other spots like that on the lake to target.

What type of an area were you looking for to fish for the tournament and why?

Cole – Going into the tournament, my assumption was the fish would be in all phases of the spawn. Because of that I wanted to focus on ideal spawning areas so I was looking for shallow water with gravel and small rocks and with numerous pockets in the area. Also, from what little history I have on this lake I knew for the most part it’s dirty up the rivers and dingy by the dam so I wanted to focus on that dingy water which eliminated majority of the lake for me and allowed me to focus on a smaller area.

Tyler – I was really looking for areas that were somewhat similar to Beaver Lake, to be honest. Even with the abundance of standing timber, my main lake spot set up much better for my style of fishing.

Ryan – During prefishing I determined that the fish weren’t as far a long in the spawning phase as I thought they would be. With that information I looked for small mainlake pockets close to deep water that the females would be staging at. For example, I fished a bluff line on day one and moved from each small cut that fish could be close to moving up into.

Kyle – I like to move quickly and make lots of casts. There is so much standing timber in that lake and lots of areas make moving and making lots of casts difficult. I tried to find areas where I felt like I could move and cast without being hampered all day long. Also launching in the dark and fishing in the wind makes the vast areas with timber unappealing and potentially rough on your equipment Some is fine, choked out is not my thing.

James – I was assuming the fish would be in a pre-spawn pattern, giving the time of year and weather conditions. So I checked a bunch of stuff in the backs of creeks and spawning pockets and didn’t find anything. After finding some active fish on steep bluff walls and chunk rock banks, I found the fish were relating to ledges on the bluffs and steep banks that were about 5 to 10 feet deep. That is what I fished on day one. Day two was different. All the fish moved off that stuff and made their way to the secondary points and backs of pockets. I have never before seen this happen overnight.

What were the main techniques or baits that caught you most of your good fish?

Cole – On day one, I was using moving baits and was really struggling on catching fish. Around 10 am the sun popped out and there was zero wind so I started throwing a fluke on secondary points and weeded through tons of fish to finally landed a few above average fish but never could find a kicker but kept me in contention of winning the tournament. On day two, the wind was ripping so I started in wind-protected pockets with a fluke and caught some really nice quality. With the high winds, I was not able to work the fluke so I switched over to a spinnerbait and was able to catch fish on wind-blown points and pockets.

Tyler – In practice, I caught fish on literally everything. Day one, I fished a fluke and my trusty shakey head. Day two, conditions were different and rotated between the fluke, shakey head, and culled with a free rig the rest of the day.

Ryan – I caught most of my fish on day one with a free rigged creature bait. I like to fish a jig but I fought the rocks and getting hung up so much in pre-fishing that I needed a lighter presentation to avoid this. I used a 1/4oz cylinder drop shot weight that moves up and down the mainline giving some nice action and minimizes hang ups. Day two I caught fish on a fluke mostly but also added key fish with a RkCrawler, spinnerbait, and a donkey rig (double fluke rig). My two biggest fish came on the free rig on day one and the donkey rig on day two.

Kyle – Spinnerbait, fluke, squarebill. I should have taken time to drag a jig in some places where I knew fish were but weren’t eating moving baits but I didn’t do that and I think it cost me on day two.

James – 90% of my keepers for me were on a fluke. I caught a few on a Whopper Plopper, spinnerbait, and some on a squarebill.

What are the adjustments you made from day one to day two?

Cole – On day one, the fish were still positioned where they were while pre-fishing which was on the main-lake points. The main-lake was warmer than the back of the pockets to start the day so I believe that’s where they were. As the day went on the back of the pockets were warmer and fish started to move into those. On day two, I was fishing the same key stretches on the main-lake points and was struggling. So I slid into the back of a pocket and for the first time that week the pockets were warmer than the points first thing in the morning. I was able to catch three good fish in the very backs in super shallow water.

Tyler – After learning where the fish were NOT on day one, I focused fishing the stuff where the fish were for day two. Unfortunately, the fish weren’t really in those same areas, so I just covered more water and fished more thoroughly. The wind blew me around all day, so I couldn’t fish the weightless stuff efficiently, so I had to use heavier baits.

Ryan – I didn’t feel like I could replicate my day one in the same area, so I moved to an area I had fished in the previous Classic. It set up similar and felt confident there would be fishing in the area. The wind was also a factor on day two. The windy day helped my bite and allowed me to fish a spinnerbait a bit more.

Kyle – In pre-fishing it seemed every fish in the lake was on a main lake point. At some point from Wednesday afternoon to Friday morning a lot of those fish pushed back in my area. It took me a while to find them. On day two, I tried to make Friday afternoon’s bite work on Saturday morning regardless of a big water temp cool down in the backs. That’s where I should have slowed down and tried a jig in those areas. But instead I hopped from pocket to pocket to try and find them eating a fluke. Once the afternoon hit Saturday, they were back there eating the fluke again, but not in every pocket. It just took me too long to find them that day.

James – I actually stumbled on to the fish movement and the pattern for the day by accident. I went to a spot where I didn’t get a bite in practice or the first day of the tournament because I had a lot of company at my ramp and everyone was taking and asking how each other had done the day before. Knowing I would have eyes on me, I went to dead water where I could see my starting spot and wait for everyone to move on past so I could fish it without being noticed by everyone. Luckily for me, the fish moved, and I landed on them. I had my limit in 30 minutes. After that, I fished my good stuff without a bite for over an hour. That told me to go back to where I started and find more spots like that in the area.

What was the biggest key you unlocked on either day that made you feel like you were onto something?

Cole – As I eluded to in the previous question, I believe the biggest key for me was able to relocate the fish quickly on day two in the back of the pockets. It was the very first time of the entire four days I was on the lake that the water was warmer in the backs of pockets. Also, the area I fished the pockets were short so the fish didn’t have to travel far from the points to the back which helped me figure it out more quickly.

Tyler – I found that the best fish were on trees/stumps that were in 5-8 feet of water and were 18+ inches wide, so I targeted those mostly. The rocky banks that transitioned quickly to 5+ feet of water was also key in finding fish. When those two stars aligned, it was game on.

Ryan – I caught my big fish early on day one and that gave me the confidence to keep throwing what i was throwing and commit to it with confidence. Day two I had to share a small area with three guys (one being the 2nd place guy from day one), so I gave him first crack at the pocket and then was able to share it after. We communicated well and that was nice to see the sportsmanship side of this sport. They ate the fluke early and this was a confidence booster that carried my day.

Kyle – I’d say figuring out that a lot of fish had made the move back and also which type of pockets to target. Not all of them were good. It needed to have some timber, maybe 35-45° angle banks, and off the main lake. At least where I was at.

James – The biggest keys for me were two things. First was I was targeting bluffs and steep banks while most of the people at my launch were not. Second was I was getting bites on a fluke, and I didn’t see anyone else using one. I made sure to keep it hidden at the boat ramp, and I think it helped due to all the fishing pressure in my area.

Kudos to the Event and Organizers

I’d encourage everyone to try and participate in the All-American Kayak Classic if they can. It’s a very well run event, great organization and communication. Loved all the communication. Josh Boothe and others who run it do an outstanding job. Hope to qualify to get back again next year!

Spring Power Fishing for Bass – ARTICLE

2023 Beaver Lake North Recap – ARTICLE

2023 NSKA Beaver Lake North Recap / Karma / AOY / Heavy Hitters

Spring has sprung in Northwest Arkansas and on Beaver Lake. After seven straight days of warm, consistent and sunny weather – the fishing should have been set up for success in the Capps Men’s Cuts Beaver Lake North event.

The boundary for the event went from the Hwy 12 bridge down lake to the dam. Water is high, about has high as it can be, and clear. Making it an interesting spawn season. The first event on Beaver this year was a return to a stingy lake, where breaking 85 was difficult. What would we see in round two?

Tourney Results

Overall, the fishing on the day was not great for an April tournament. The fish per angler ratio of 4.46 was a big drop-off from last year’s April event on Beaver Lake and Table Rock, which posted a 5.95 and a 5.45 FPA, respectively. A strong 86% caught at least one bass, but a middling 54% turned in a limit.

Jacob Webber took first place with 84.25″, while Levi Schneider took 2nd with 82.50″ and Jason Coleman third with 81.75″ on the day. Levi also won Big Bass with a 21.25″ monster for this fishery. A 21″ or bigger is pretty eye opening on the Dead Sea.

Levi’s foot may not make that bass look big, but it was a 21.25″ giant!

Your complete Top Ten for this event:

  1. Jacob Webber 84.25
  2. Levi Schneider 82.50
  3. Jason Coleman 81.75
  4. Tyler Zengerle 79.50
  5. James Haeberle 78.50
  6. Wayne Johnson 78.25
  7. Justin Malott 78.00
  8. Anthony Bertschy 77.50
  9. Ryan Paskiewicz 77.25
  10. Justin Brewer 77.25

Angler Roundtable

Pull up a camp chair and get around the fire for story time…the top anglers for this event, Jacob Webber, Levi Schnieder, and Jason Coleman are here to tell us the secret to tackling what was a fairly difficult spring day on Beaver Lake.

What part of Beaver did you choose and why?

Jacob – I decided to fish near Ventris. I’ve fished there the last few Beaver North tournaments and have gotten somewhat familiar with the area. There was one specific area that I thought would be good this time of year.

Levi – I chose to go to Indian Creek because I’ve had success there in the past. Plus I knew it held good Smallmouth and Largemouth so I figured more than one pattern could work.

Jason – I fished up around the Rambo area. I chose that spot because there’s several deep narrow arms with multiple spawning pockets in each. I’ve fished the area a lot and it’s well protected when the wind kicks up.

Any particular patterns or baits that worked for you on the day?

Jacob – The only thing I could really get bit on was a fluke. I started off throwing a buzzbait, but after throwing to a couple spots that looked too good to not have a fish I picked up the fluke. Caught one first cast and then another a few casts later. Each one was hooked deep in the roof of the mouth so  I stuck with the fluke most of the day. I caught all my Largemouth in the first hour in the back of the creek arm, but then it slowed down. I caught quite a few spotted bass in some pockets off the main creek arm throughout the day, but nothing that helped.

Levi – I just kept rotating between a white chatterbait, a PB&J finesse jig and a swing head – all equipped with a YUM Spine Craw trailer. Used the chatterbait to cover water up higher in the water column, jig to flip into cover and around docks, and the swing head to cover water on the bottom.

Jason – I threw a Neko rigged Strike King finesse worm all day. All my keepers were caught around deeper structure in the spawning pockets

What’s the story on your biggest fish from the tournament?

Jacob – I’m not sure if this was the biggest since they were all about the same size, but I had netted one and and set the net down with the fish still in it. I was moving some stuff around to clear some space to take a picture and I heard a flop followed by a splash. I looked up and the fish had jumped back in the water. Fortunately it was hooked good so I got to fight that one a couple times. 

Levi – I planned on fishing the very back of one particular cove but decided to scope out a cove I had some luck at before just to see what it looked like on livescope and didn’t see much so I moved on. Then with a few minutes until lines in I decided to start at the point of the cove I was closest to and within five minutes of lines in, the 21.25″ smoked my chatterbait and I didn’t have much issue getting her in since she was hooked well. That fish set the tone for the day.

Jason – My big fish came late in the morning. No crazy story just got lucky with a good fish. I’m happy with anything over 14″ on Beaver.

Do you have any superstitions you pay attention to in fishing or tournaments?

Jacob – I really don’t have any superstitions. 

Levi – I consider some pairs of clothing and hats to be “luckier” than others but I always realize how not true it is. I do believe catching a fish on your first cast is good luck especially since that happened to me on Pumpback last year. It’s also important to grab breakfast at Casey’s before every trip, or it is bad luck otherwise. And finally, I don’t really believe in the banana In the boat deal but I also don’t eat a lot of bananas so no worries there.

Jason – No superstitions… but I do believe in Karma…I was eating my sandwich Saturday and the Ziplock baggie blew out of my yak. It was blowing away fast and I really contemplated trying to run it down or let it go. I thought to myself that if I didn’t get I’d be cursed the rest of the day. My next cast after picking it up was a 16.25. Karma.

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I turned in a 9.75″ bass. It is what it is.

Angler of the Year Race

Now that we’re three events in, things are getting a bit more clear in the AOY race. Some different names at the top of the list right now, can they hold on the rest of the year? Zengerle is sitting on top right now with Josh and Jacob close behind. Defending AOY champion Kyle stepped on the rake this week, but he’ll probably bounce back on Table Rock. Don’t sleep on Haeberle who has one of the best two scores combos on the list. It’s great to see how many good anglers we have, lots of fishing to go!

For the Classic Top 25, it’s a murky picture now and will be for several more events. After three events everyone who has fished them all will have to keep at least one score in their season total, because you can only drop two. Some of us (me included) need to get after it to make the cut!

Heavy Hitters

History would say that an angler who gets off to a hot start with three big fish in the first three events will go on to win the Heavy Hitters crown. This is good news for Josh Landreth, who is off and running with the lead so far. He is the only angler with two green-rated catches. One more 19+ in the next event and he may just lead the rest of the way. Lots of big fish opportunities left on the schedule though. I think we’ll know who the real contenders are after the next event – and I’ll start handicapping the race.

2023 NSKA NWA Beaver Lake South Recap / AOY / Heavy Hitters

You can almost set the weather forecast by the NSKA NWA event calendar. Have a tournament coming up on a Saturday? It’s going to rain supernatural proportions on Thursday and Friday. This March tournament on south Beaver Lake, presented by Black Creek Electric, was no exception. With several inches of rain in the 48 hours before lines in. Combine this dirtied water with temps still in the very low 50s (if that in some spots) and it was a recipe for tough day on Beaver.

After several tournaments where our favorite stingy fishery has really shown out with big limits (89.25, 88.75, 84.25, 88, 88, 87, 86.25 89.25 for example in the past year), Beaver Lake humbled some folks on this post-front day in March.

This chart shows the precipitous rise in water level leading up tot he event, leading to unusually high water for March..

A low 3.95 fish per angler rate fell well below 5.95 from this tournament last year. Less than half the field (48%) turned in a limit, a fairly low number in recent history. Of the 48 registered anglers, 40 turned in at least one bass.

Josh Landreth took first place with 80.75″ on the day, followed by Sam McClish with 80.75″ (second on tie-breaker), with James Haeberle taking third with 76.50″.

“Big” Bass for this event was an 18″ monster, caught by Josh Landreth. This is the first event with no 20″ bass in the past 17 regular season NSKA NWA tournaments. (2022 Classic also had no 20s). On this day though, Josh caught a biggun’!

Big Bass?? Was on this day on the Dead Sea!

Complete Top Ten for Beaver Lake South:

  1. Josh Landreth 80.75
  2. Sam McClish 80.75
  3. James Haeberle 76.50
  4. Maurilio Gutierrez 74
  5. Tyler Zengerle 72.25
  6. Jimmy Chokbengboun 72.25
  7. Jacob Simmons 71.25
  8. Kyle Long 69.50
  9. Jason Adams 69.25
  10. Tony Sorluangsana 67.75

Angler Roundtable

Let’s all gather around the campfire to hear from the top anglers on the day. Josh Landreth, Sam McClish and James Haeberle share how they made it happen on a tough day at the Dead Sea.

What part of Beaver Lake did you fish and why?

Josh – I went to Natural Walk. I wanted to get away from the crowd and had decent success in a previous Beaver South tourney there in flooded conditions. I knew I wanted to go against the grain and take a chance in the muddy water, and felt like I knew the structure better there than other options.

Sam – I chose to go to Hickory Creek. The spinnerbait bite has been really solid for the last couple weeks. Plus I love dirty water.

James – I fished at Monte Ne. I know of a few spots the fish like to stage on before going back to spawn this time of year and hoping to find some cleaner water after the rain we had.

What were the baits used to catch your fish?

Josh – I caught several right off the bat on a chartreuse/white Strike King Spinnerbait with 1 big gold willow blade and 1 Colorado. Just fishing shallow near wood. Three of my keepers were on that bait. The key bait was the methiolate floating worm though. The two biggest fish I caught were on the floating worm. Casts had to be extremely tight to cover with both baits.

Sam – My first limit of fish came off a Booyah Covert spinnerbait with two Colorado blades. I started my day fishing shallow in and around all the flooded brush. I went an hour or so with out a bite so I knew I had to make a change. I switched to a Tru Faith custom bait coleslaw spinner bait with a big white willow blade and a small yellow Colorado blade. I also changed my strategy. I did a quick Google map check and found a big long point. I went to the original shore line (still only sitting in 12’ of water but about 70 yards off the bank) my very first cast slow rolling the blade across it i caught a 16″ bass and couldn’t believe it. I went on to catch 20+ fish on this one spot in about 45 minutes. At one point catching seven fish on seven consecutive casts. I upgraded every fish on this spot.

James – I was using a War Eagle 1/2 ounce double willow spinnerbait and slow rolling it around a flooded brush on channel swing points and pockets. After the spinnerbait bite was over, I moved out away from the bank and fished a chatterbait slowly along the bottom and finished off my limit with a 16″ bass.

Talk about how you caught your biggest bass on the day – what happened?

Josh – My big fish came at 8:24am to complete my limit that already had a 17″ and two over 15″. I tossed the floating worm out along the edge of some flooded bushes. Fished it like a fluke, basically. I saw the fish come out of the bushes and nail it! The floating worm bite is one of my favorites and it was a pretty awesome take! I thought the fish was probably 15-16″ when I saw it take the bait. I was fishing it on a medium action spinning rod with 8 lb mono. She took me for a ride for a few seconds and was lucky to keep her out of the bushes. I was surprised she was 18″. I knew that fish nearly guaranteed me a top 10 and gave me a chance to win. I never dreamed she would be the Big Bass though!

Sam – Eventually the bite died so kept moving and catching a ton more fish but nothing that would upgrade me until 2:00pm. Then, I decided to go back to the honey hole. As soon as I pulled up on the spot fish were pushing shad everywhere. I threw out a 3” Keitech and before I could even engage my reel a 16.5″ bass had it swallowed. That was my second 16.5″ on the day and by far the most meaningful fish of the day since it upgraded my length total to 80.75″ putting me in first place (for a very short time).

James – My biggest bass from the tournament was 17″ and came from pitching my spinnerbait up in the brush and bringing it out slow. I only had a few feet of line out when it hit, so I just boat flipped it so it wouldn’t have a chance to get me hung up in the brush.

What lure or technique have you historically caught more bass on than any other?

Josh – I’m not super patient and like to be on the move. I fish a spinnerbait a lot and love to fish top water in the summer. At heart, I’m a river smallmouth fisherman. You can’t beat the smallmouth whopper plopper bite!

Sam – I have a handful of “go to” or “favorite” baits. I love throwing a swim jig probably the most. Second would be a spinnerbait or jig. But my confidence bait that has caught me more fish in a crunch than anything year round is a small single swim bait, either a 2.8 Spark Shad or Keitech. It’s such a fun little bait that catches fish of all sizes.

James – I always have a few baits ready to go all year long. Some sort of crankbait, a spinnerbait, a weightless fluke, jig, and a Texas rig. Different times of the year and conditions call for a different approach to the day. But I will always enjoy and is probably my favorite way to catch them is a fluke.

Josh Landreth kicking tail and taking names on Beaver Lake South.

AOY and Heavy Hitters Races

There are a variety of new-ish names in the top ten for Angler of the Year after two events. A few anglers are off to a hot start, but in particular Josh Landreth is on fire, leading both Heavy Hitters and AOY at this point of the season. If you’ve tanked in the first two events like I have, this is it, need to make the rest of them count. Lots of season to go, but history shows you are better off being at the top of this list early than not.

Angler of the Year Top 25

Heavy Hitters Top 25

Back to Beaver Lake for the next event, get it on the calendar or sign up today!

2023 Table Rock 1.0 NSKA NWA Tournament / Heavy Hitters -Recap

The first kayak fishing event of the year on Table Rock started with a bang with some big fish caught by some, and not many fish caught by several. In true NSKA NWA tradition, we had torrential rains just before the season opener, making anglers scramble to find good water or adjust to some blown-out, dirty situations.

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Big Bass on Table Rock by Josh Landreth – Source: TourneyX

This event was a good one for big fish, and had the most 20+ bass submitted for an opener (5) since 2020, which was at the very end of March. Josh Landreth took the Big Bass by tiebreaker with a 20.25 largemouth.

Overall, the field had a so-so day, with 182 fish caught by 52 anglers for a paltry Fish Per Angler (FPA) of 3.52, only slightly higher than last year’s opener on the Dead Sea which had a FPA of 2.99. Only 38% of the field turned in a limit and 75% boated at least one bass.

A Missourian took the top spot on the Missouri lake with Micah Funderburgh posting a strong 89.50″ on the day – good for a top 20 total in NSKA competition history. This is the third time Table Rock shows up on the top 20 tournament total list.

Kyle Long took second with 83.25″ and Josh King third with 83.00″ on the day. Great outings by these and the other top ten anglers.

The complete top 10:

  1. Micah Funderburgh 89.50
  2. Kyle Long 83.25
  3. Josh King 83
  4. Justin Arnold 82.50
  5. Billy Bowden 82.00
  6. Dwain Batey 81.75
  7. Josh Landreth 79.75
  8. Justin Brewer 77.75
  9. Tyler Zengerle 77.25
  10. Patrick Marbury 74.75

Angler Roundtable

The top finishers shared how they did it in the season opener. Let’s get around the table and learn from Micah Funderburgh, Kyle Long and Josh King!

In general, what part of the lake did you go to and why?

Micah – I chose to fish where the Kings met the White river so I could pick and choose water clarity since the Kings was muddy from the recent rains.

Kyle – I went to the Kings. I tried to talk myself out of it because I was scared of what it might look like after the rain but I knew I’d be mad at myself if I didn’t at least go look. It wasn’t clean by any means but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be.

Josh – I put in at Holiday Island and fished the river. I wasn’t sure where to go this early in the year so I picked a ramp that was close and had a spot where Kentuckies usually hang out. Figured I could get a small limit if they were there and then hoped to find a couple bonus bigs in the area.

What were your go-to baits for catching your limit?

Micah – I caught almost all my fish on a Vision 110+1 jerkbait. Once I had a decent limit I fished a glide bait from noon to 3:00 and caught one kicker.

Kyle – Spinnerbait was the go-to. Wasn’t planning on that. 3/4oz with big Colorado blades, reeling it slow.

Josh – I caught all my fish on a 5/16 oz walleye jig with a Keitech swimbait trailer. All my keepers came from one spot on the lake.

What happened on your largest bass of the day?

Micah – I was mostly fishing ledges and I found a particular 50ft section of ledge that setup perfectly and I ended up catching 8-10 fish on it including my biggest fish.

Kyle – I had just caught a small spot and a 15.5” spot a few minutes before and when I set the hook on my big one, it actually jumped which is weird in cold water. I didn’t know how big it was until I got it up in the net. Pleasant surprise.

Josh – I actually ended up losing my “biggest” while trying to get my Ketch board and camera ready, but landed another one a couple hours later. Both fish came on the first cast at new spots.

What’s something new you’ve added to your boat or to your equipment this season?

Micah – As far as new stuff I’ve added to my boat this year pretty much everything is new. I started kayak fishing last summer so I’ve been adding new stuff since then.

Kyle – That Newport Vessels NK180 was a game changer for me. Pair that with a ZPRO 24v 50Ah lithium…I covered so much water and got where I wanted to go way faster than normal.

Josh – I guess the only thing new was my bait. I had it tied on for Walleye fishing, but had caught bass on it in the past so I decided to try it and it paid off.

Heavy Hitters Standings

The Home Run Champ version of the NSKA kayak series is the Heavy Hitters crown. This year is off to a big start for some anglers who pulled in some tanks in event one. History shows, you need to get off to a good start if you expect to win…you can’t play catch-up on Beaver Lake in summer.

Here are the initial top 20 standings:

1Josh Landreth20.25
2Dwain Batey20.25
3Kyle Long20
4Billy Bowden20
5Christopher Moyher20
6Jake Simmons18.75
7Jacob Webber18.5
8Jeriamy Vann18.5
9Josh King18
10Jamie Shumate17.5
11Patrick Marbury17.25
12Justin Brewer17
13Craig Wood17
14Jason Coleman16.5
15Tyler Zengerle16.25
16Tony Sorluangsana16.25
17Jason Adams16.25
18Jason Fields16.25
19Jordan Rozenblum15.5
20Ryan Paskiewicz15

Angler of the Year

Angler of the year is a long race, but the anglers at the top are off to a great start. If you aren’t in this list, don’t worry, you can drop some events. But, those in this top group currently have the advantage!

1Kyle Long99
2Josh King98
3Billy Bowden96
4Dwain Batey95
5Josh Landreth94
6Justin Brewer93
7Tyler Zengerle92
8Patrick Marbury91
9Jacob Webber90
10Jason Coleman89
11Devon Esry88
12Levi Schneider87
13Jake Simmons86
14Jordan Rozenblum85
15Bobby Hogan84
16Tony Sorluangsana83
17Sam McClish82
18Christopher Moyher81
19Terrill Standifer80
20Jason Adams79

Next up is Beaver Lake, see ya’ll on the Dead Sea!

Check out these recent articles…

Spring Bank and Creek Fishing Kit from Lurenet – Review

As the winter season slowly transitions into spring, anglers like me eagerly await the chance to get back to the water. Spring bank and creek fishing is a fun way to catch fish of all types, and the right tackle kit can make all the difference. Enter Lurenet’s March/April Bank and Creek fishing tackle kit, a specially curated set of fishing lures, presentations, and color patterns designed to meet the needs of both novice and experienced anglers.

The YUM Hellgrammite makes a great river fishing bait in spring.
The YUM Hellgrammite makes a great river fishing bait in spring.

I was able to get my hands on a kit early and took it out fishing in February to check out some of the baits. Each lure in this kit was selected by industry bank and creek fishing experts, and they did a great job. The Bank and Creek fishing tackle kit includes a range of multi-species fishing scenarios, so you’ll always have the right lure to throw on a given day. And, there are some limited-edition custom color patterns, created exclusively by some of the best lure painters in the business. One of these is the new Norman Speed N Junior in craw with orange belly – killer color that I can’t wait to use all spring.

The Lurenet Bank & Creek fishing kit for March/April
The Lurenet Bank & Creek fishing kit for March/April

Inside the March kit, you’ll find a wide range of lures, including a Smithwick Floating Rattlin’ Rogue in Sunbeam Brim color, a Norman Speed N Jr. in Orange Belly Craw (exclusive custom color), a brand new product and color – YUM Hellgrammite in Copper Creek, a YUM 5″ Dinger in Junebug Red Flake (Lurenet Exclusive custom color), a War Eagle 5/16 oz Gold Finesse Spinnerbait in Coleslaw, a YUM Scottsboro 3” Swimbait in Sight Minnow, a YUM Wacky Tool, and a Pro-X – 1/0 Wacky hook in a 7-pack.

But this tackle kit is more than just a set of fishing lures. It also includes informative BITE SPEC lure guides, which will help you make the most out of each lure and how to fish it. The really cool feature I love is a limited-edition print of a Frank Scalish how-to illustration, numbered 1-300 – this edition on how to rig the Hellgrammite.

A package like this is a perfect seasonal selection for the beginner, novice, or expert angler. There are only 300 kits are available for each season, and they tend to sell out quickly.

If you shop on Lurenet.com for this kit or other baits, save 15% with the discount code KINCY15

Check out these recent articles:

Kayak Motor Battery Review – Amped Outdoors 24v 50Ah

If you are like me and recently added a motor to your kayak, you’re going to need a kayak motor battery to power you on the water. For a lightweight, and competitively priced 24v battery, look no further than the 50Ah LiFePO4 battery from Amped Outdoors. I contacted a few companies to ask for recommendations for a new kayak motor battery setup, and Amped Outdoors recommended this one and provided it for me to try out and review. Am glad they did, it was the one I was planning on buying anyway!

Kayak motor battery - Amped Outdoors Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
Amped Outdoors 24v 50Ah Kayak Motor Battery

First off, let’s talk about the technology behind this battery. LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) batteries offer several advantages over traditional lead-acid batteries. For one, they have a longer lifespan – up to ten times longer in some cases. They also have a higher energy density, meaning they can store more energy in a smaller package. And because they’re made with lithium iron phosphate, they’re much safer than lithium-ion batteries because they are more stable and don’t overheat.

Kayak motor battery weight

What really sets this kayak motor battery apart is its lightweight design. Compare to other 24v 50Ah lithium iron phosphate batteries like ZPro (27lbs) and and Dakota Lithium (31.9lbs). The 23-pound Amped Outdoors version saves on weight and is easier to handle. Extra weight is never a good thing in the kayak, and this lightweight lithium battery is perfect for a kayak setup. On my Hobie Pro Angler, it’s providing power to Newport NK 180 motor.

Amped Outdoors battery with charger.

This kayak motor battery comes equipped with a durable waterproof case and a battery management system. The battery is protected from the elements, important for outdoor applications such as powering kayaks, RVs, boats, trolling motors and off-grid solar systems. This Amped Outdoors battery also has a built-in BMS (Battery Management System) which monitors the battery and ensures safe charging and discharging, extending the life of the battery.

How it is going for me

Kayak motor battery in battery box on kayak.

I’ve been using this battery for several trips on the water now. The Amped Outdoors battery is a reliable and dependable source of power. When I hit the throttle, it’s is responsive and solid. After each trip, I quick connect it to the Amped Outdoors 10A Fast Lithium Charger and it’s ready to go for the next time. To protect my battery and connections from the elements I use a hard sided Arctic Zone cooler from Walmart which has a strap and has pockets to store tools or whatever else I need to have handy.

Kayak motor battery bottom line

In conclusion, if you’re in need of a durable and reliable kayak motor battery, I highly recommend the 24v 50ah LiFePO4 battery from Amped Outdoors. This battery’s advanced technology, lightweight design, durable waterproof case, and built-in features make it a top choice for any kayak angler.

Check out these recent articles:




Bending Branches Angler Pro Fishing Kayak Paddle Review

The Angler Pro kayak fishing paddle is a must-have for any kayak angler. This high-quality paddle from Bending Branches is designed specifically for longer fishing excursions, making it the perfect choice for anglers who want to stay out on the water for extended periods of time.

Bending Branches Angler Pro Fishing Kayak Paddle
Bending Branches Angler Pro Kayak Paddle shown in ‘Radiant’ – Kayakfishingfocus.com

One of the key features of the Angler Pro Snap Button is its durable construction. Made from top-quality materials, this paddle is built to withstand the rigors of extended use. It features a lightweight, yet strong, carbon fiber shaft and a durable, fiberglass-reinforced nylon blade that can handle even the toughest conditions.

In addition to its durability, the Angler Pro kayak fishing paddle also offers a number of other benefits that make it a top choice for anglers. For example, the paddle’s unique snap-button ferrule allows for easy, tool-free adjustments to the feathering angle, making it easy to customize your paddling experience. Additionally, the snap-button design allows you to easily break down the paddle for transport and storage, making it a great choice for anglers who travel frequently.

Bending Branches Angler Pro Fishing Kayak Paddle
The Bending Branches Angler Pro is a strong, lightweight kayak fishing paddle – Kayakfishingfocus.com

Another great feature of the Angler Pro Snap Button is its comfortable grip. The paddle features a ribbed, T-grip handle that is ergonomically designed to reduce hand fatigue, making it easy to hold onto the paddle for extended periods of time.

This paddle is the most advanced, comfortable, lightweight and durable kayak fishing paddle I’ve ever used. It does have a high price-point, but is well worth it and made in the USA.

The Bending Branches Angler Pro kayak paddle is available in three stunning colors – Radiant, Glowtek and Copperhead. These are beautifully designed kayak paddles that add style to any angler’s setup but also provides high visibility for safety on the water.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a high-quality, durable paddle for your next fishing trip, the Angler Pro Snap Button paddle from Bending Branches is an excellent choice. With its durable construction, customizable feathering angle, and comfortable grip, it is sure to meet the needs of even the most demanding anglers.

Lipless Crankbait Tips for Bass Fishing / Limited Edition Baits

Fishing with a lipless crankbait can be an exciting and effective way to catch bass, all the way into pre-spawn. These lures, which do not have a bill or lip, mimic the appearance and movement of a wounded baitfish, making them irresistible to bass of all types. Looking for lipless crankbait tips?

Lipless Crankbait tips, bass with lure in mouth

One of the benefits of using a lipless crankbait is that it can be fished at various depths and retrieved at a variety of speeds. This versatility makes a lipless crankbait a good choice for bass fishing in different conditions and locations.

Two commonly available lipless crankbait types are those with rattles (hard knocker) and those with a one knocker. Rattles mimic the sound of baitfish on the move and can be better when the bass are feeding on shad or you are really trying to cover water with a steady retrieve. A hard knocker may be better when it’s colder, fishing deeper or ripping a lipless through grass.

Fishing Lipless Crankbait Tips

When casting, aim for areas with cover such as weeds, drops, or rocks, as bass are often attracted to these structures. Once the lure hits the water, there are a variety of retrieves – including just reeling it in, to a yo-yo retrieve or a lift-and-drop action. I’ve had most success with lift-and-drop, but this season hope to experiment more with the various lipless crankbait retrieves.

Overall, fishing with a lipless crankbait can be a fun and productive way to target bass. With some practice and time on the water, find the technique and retrieve that works best for you and the fish you are trying to catch. If it isn’t working change up the retrieve, the color, or the type of sound.

Party Craw One-Knockers and Hard-Knockers from Lurenet.com now available!

Limited-release Custom Color One Knocker & Hard Knocker Series from Booyah

Booyah is ringing in the new year with a limited-release set of one knocker & hard knocker lipless crankbaits. Only 300 of each these exclusive colors are available, in two sizes – 1/4oz and 1/2oz. Use the code, KINCY15 on Lurenet.com to save 15% on your purchase.

The custom colors look fantastic and give you something not available anywhere else:

  • Party Craw – Bold color for stained water.
  • Graffiti Craw – This one has an oil-slick finish with an orange belly. (can’t wait to throw this one!)
  • Bulletproof Gill – Lots of flash with a gold back.
  • Goldie – I hear this is good for tannic water like found in Florida, or stained water on a sunny day.
  • G Finish Red Craw – LOVE how this looks with the red paint with a finish that reflects sunlight. Very versatile.
  • G Finish Brown Craw – A great craw pattern for rocky banks, drops and bluff ends!
Limited edition Booyah One-Knocker and Hard-Knocker shown in G Finish Brown Craw and Goldie – from Lurenet.com

Get your custom color baits before they run out. Use the code, KINCY15 on Lurenet.com to save 15% on your purchase.

For a more in-depth article on lipless crankbaits, check out the Complete Guide to fishing Lipless Crankbaits for Bass on Lurenet.

Previous post: 2022 NWA NSKA Classic Championship Recap

Bank and Creek Fishing Tips and Tackle Kits

Bank and creek fishing can be a productive way to catch fish, whether a new or experienced angler. Creeks are typically smaller bodies of water and are home to a variety of fish species, such as bass, panfish, and trout.

Certain baits and colors can work better in a small river or creek at different times of year. The new Bait School Bank and Creek fishing kits are released frequently as limited-edition packs of seasonal baits for small water fishing. These are a great way for beginners to know they have what they need to take on bank and creek fishing.

Bait School Bank and Creek baits

Once you have your baits, it’s time to find a good spot to fish. Look for areas where the water is a bit deeper and there is cover for the fish to hide, such as logs or rocks. You can also try fishing near a drop-off or a calmer deeper pool next to where the current is stronger. Creek fishing changes frequently, so try different tactics to find what works that day.

One of the great things about these exclusive fishing kits is they come with tips and insights on how to use each individual bait to catch fish. There are always exclusive baits included designed to appeal to fish in these smaller bodies of water based on the common forage.

Experiment with different baits to see what works best in your local creek and for the type of fish you are trying to catch. These bank and creek fishing tips are straight from the experts who make the lures – so you don’t have to guess how to use them.

Lurenet Bank and Creek Fishing Kit – January/February

The January/February Bank and Creek fishing kit is out and has a limited run of 300 available. A Lurenet Bank and Creek kit not only includes 10 creek specific lures, but also everything you need. This includes a how-to guide and custom rigging illustration.

This edition of the Bank and Creek fishing kit are several exclusive colors along with some reliable go-to baits:

  • Cotton Cordell Super Spot 1/4 oz – Sriracha Craw (Exclusive custom color)
  • Norman Deep Tiny N – Chrome Pumpkinseed (Exclusive custom color)   
  • Cotton Cordell Big O 76 – Stickle Back Shad (Exclusive custom color)
  • YUM 4″ Dinger – GB Haze (Exclusive custom color)   
  • Road Runner Original Marabou – Chartreuse
  • Booyah Baby Boo Jig 3/16 oz – 3D Green Pumpkin
  • YUM Ned Craw – Brown Orange and YUM 5″ Finesse Worm – Ghillie Suit
  • YUM Ned Head 1/8 oz and 1/12 oz 3pk – Black (Exclusive product)

Get your Bait School Bank and Creek fishing kit at Lurenet.com now and use discount code KINCY15 to save 15% off your purchase.

Video: 6 lb Largemouth Bass caught on topwater.

2022 NWA NSKA Classic Recap

The end of season Classic Championship wrapped up a good year of fishing for the top 25 anglers in NSKA NWA. With one day on Table Rock and a second day on Beaver Lake, it was a good test of versatility for the competitors.

Classic Championship Results

Fishing was not the easiest for the Classic, as expected for September in our part of the country. Putting together good limits consistently is the key to top finishes in the Classic and this year was a great example. Overall, the field caught 275 fish over two days, with a 5.5 fish per angler, putting it middle of the pack for tournaments this season.

2022 NWA NSKA Classic Champ – Justin Brewer.

Justin Brewer finished the back half of the season on fire and continued the hot streak by taking the Classic Championship with a day one total of 79″ and a day two total of 73″ for a grand total of 152″ for the event. Kyle Long took second with 150.50″ (75.75/74.75) and James Shumate took third place with 148.75″ (73.25/75.50) for the weekend. John Evans took Big Bass with a 19.50″ Largemouth.

John Evans’ Big Bass from Beaver Lake in the 2022 NSKA NWA Classic Championship.

Angler Roundtable

Our top finishers for the Classic Championship shared how they made it happen in the end of season event. Thank you to Justin Brewer, Kyle Long and James Shumate for their recaps!

Where did you go on day one and day two and why?

Justin – I went to Eagle Rock on day one. No real reason just fishing history and I’ve done decent in the past there and I always just want to decent day one in two day tournaments. Day two I went to the Horseshoe Bend area. Again that’s the only area I’ve had any experience on so I felt most confident there.

Kyle – Day one I went to three places. Houseman, which I didn’t even make a cast before I left because it just didn’t feel right. Eagle Rock, where I also didn’t catch one fish. Then Beaver Town lastly. Why? Because when I was driving from Houseman to Eagle Rock at 6:55am, I drove across the Beaver bridge. I saw Kincy’s truck was the only one there. After not doing well at Eagle Rock and with all the boat traffic there, I figured at least there isn’t much pressure at Beaver Town. Might as well go there. Maybe there’s some fish that haven’t been thrown at all morning. Plus I could access that cooler water from the backside if need be. Day two, I went to Blackburn. No specific reason. Just thought it might be less crowded than the launches on the west side of the lake.

James – Day one I went to Eagle Rock because I know the area. I threw a buzzbait , Whopper Plopper and shakey headed. I had all but given up I was setting in 22nd with 3 fish at 2:53 I caught my 4th and at 2:57 I caught my 5th and jumped to 9th. Day 2 I went to Horseshoe Bend first fish was a 19 inch thought it was going to be a good day but it wasn’t didn’t get my limit till around 1:40.

Both days seemed pretty even in limit sizes, which day was tougher for you and how did you overcome it?

Justin – Day two was definitely my tougher day and it showed. Luckily I had a good day one so there was some wiggle room. I figured it would be tougher for everyone so lower 70’s would put me in a good spot so I just fished hard until I got there.

Kyle – Day one for sure. I was on the verge of spinning out. I just had to keep my head down and keep making casts. Trying the whole time to not keep doing exactly the same thing. Looking for a little nuance here or there that might make the difference. Luckily I found one.

James – Both days where equally tough I only caught 11 fish all weekend but the wind Sunday was the worst.

What were a few of the key baits or techniques that worked for you?

Justin – Day one was a Booyah XCS Squarebill at a creek channel intersection where the bass were schooling on shad in the morning and then a Carolina rig with the Yum Spine Craw around trees on the channel drop in the afternoon. Day two was a War Eagle buzzbait and Heddon Spook all day. The bite quit at 9:30 but I stuck with it anyways.

Kyle – Spinnerbait and Shaky head. Almost exclusively both days. I did catch a couple on a buzzbait day 2.

James – Threw a Sexy Dog, shakey head and a KGB Chad Shad – it saved me caught my last 2 on it.

What was your most important bait for the duration of this season that made it successful for you?

Justin – I really can’t pinpoint one single bait because each tournament some other bait played the main roll but if I have to pick one, I won the most money on the Booyah XCS Squarebill which play big roles in both my third place finish at Broken Bow with Hobie BOS and then helping with the Classic with my biggest limit on Day 1. It also caught me a few fish here and there in other tournaments.

Kyle – I’d say all season long the MVP had to be the Accent River Special 1/2 ounce spinnerbait. The Slow Town Custom Lures custom 1/4 ounce shaky head and the Skirmish baits Pendragon 110 we’re also crucial.

James – I think throwing a shakey head this season helped me the most this season.

Season Awards

It was a solid season for NSKA NWA with some big bags and a lot of fish caught. The season awards were presented at the season-ending Classic banquet. Please take time to congratulate the recipients!

Final AOY Top 25

Individual Winners

2022 NSKA NWA Angler of the Year – Kyle Long.
2022 Heavy Hitters Champ – Ryan Paskiewicz
2022 NSKA NWA Rookie of the Year – Jordan Rozunblum
2022 NSKA NWA Ben Spangler Sportsman of the Year – Terrill Standifer

Sharing News, Tips and Reviews for Kayak Anglers.